Old Town San Diego Real Estate - Community Guide

Old Town San Diego Real Estate Market

Real estate in Old Town San Diego, this quaint but busy small town consists of Craftsman bungalows. Some of these homes are a delight to see with their colorful gardens.





Real estate median, low and high prices are based on Old Town San Diego listings that are currently active in AlexiouRealty.com, including detaches homes and attached condos, townhomes and rowhomes. This data continually changes as new and updated listings come on the market and it is provided only for your information. Visitors should exercise caution and always consult a professional Realtor prior to drawing final conclusions based on just active live listings data.

Old Town San Diego Schools

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School Name Rating *Score Type Grades

*School data provided by National Center for Education Statistics, Maponics, and GreatSchools. Intended for reference only. GreatSchools Ratings compare a school’s test performance to statewide results. To verify enrollment eligibility, contact the school or district directly.

Old Town San Diego, CA 92110

Old Town is a neighborhood of San Diego, California. It is bounded by Interstate 8 on the north, Interstate 5 on the west, Mission Hills on the east and Bankers Hill on the south.

About Old Town San Diego

Old Town San Diego is located just below the site of the original Presidio Indians. The town was the first European settlement in San Diego and is now a California State park.
Old Town San Diego Real Estate


Part of the charm of this small town is the adobe structures built by its early settlers and has since gone through restorations to keep the look and feel of how they might have been in the 1800s. Casa de Estudillo, a newspaper office, a stable, the first school house in California and a blacksmith are five of the adobe (mud bricks) structures that were preserved and remain at the State Historic Park to this day.

From the late mid 1800s, Old Town was deteriorating and neglected and has stayed that way for many years. Slowly and very carefully, the State of California completed a restoration plan and today, Old Town is a major tourist attraction in the county.

In and out of the State Historic Park, a variety of cuisines are served in the many restaurants and specialty shops in the numbers offer everything from custom jewelries to various souvenirs and decorator items. Mexican culture also comes to life in this town with celebration of Mexican holidays and a pronounced emphasis on some of the cuisines served and shopping.

Old Town San Diego

To offer visitors a glimpse of the early days, costumed actors in the park perform living history. The Whaley House, a certified haunted house offer ghost tours in the evenings. In addition to the haunted house, some of the other attractions in Old Town are the Junipero Serra and Sheriff’s Museums, the Mormon Battalion, Heritage Park and the Plaza del Pasado.

Parking can be a problem with the daily influx of tourists.

The area is now on the trolley route and that helps alleviate the congestion. Residents and tourists alike find Old Town a pleasant destination for a meal and a look at how San Diego lived its earliest days.

New Listings in Old Town

Below are new home listings in Old Town San Diego, 92110.
As of now there are no new properties listed during that past 14 days in Old Town. Please check back later as new real estate listings are entered throughout the day.

Open Houses in Old Town

Below are some of the open houses in Old Town San Diego, 92110.
Currently there are no open houses in Old Town. Please check back later as new real estate listings are entered throughout the day.

Contact us

George Alexiou, Real Estate Broker
George Alexiou GRI, ABR
Broker - REALTOR® e-PRO
Direct: (619) 921-0284
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